Do you want to

SNG Media can answer all those questions and more.

At SNG Media the success of our business is down to the success of yours!

what we do

There's a saying, "We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak". 

So at SNG Media we ask questions... lots of questions! 

This allows us to fully understand your business, as well as what you're trying to achieve. Based on this information, we'll provide you with a solution-focused campaign to ensure we deliver the best possible results. We do this by utilising the latest media research to plan and implement a campaign across a variety of advertising media. 

At SNG Media, we understand that every dollar you spend on marketing is a dollar you don't take home at the end of the day, so we make sure you're getting the maximum return on investment.

Unlike some cleaning products, we don't just "sell and walk away". We're in it for the long haul. We monitor every campaign and make adjustments as needed. Working with SNG Media is like having your own in-house marketing team, without the extra salaries to pay. We don't all have the same shoe size, so why should your advertising be the same as everyone else's? Our campaigns are planned specifically for your business and tailored to achieve your desired results. Because when the shoe fits, you're off and running. So if you're wanting to advertise on the radio, advertise on a billboard, advertise in your local paper or advertise on social media or online, in Auckland or New Zealand get in touch today!

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Nathan Pene

About SNG Media

SNG Media was formed in 2014, from the needs of clients who were time-poor. They wanted to deal with one person they already trusted to manage all of their media campaigns, saving them time and money. 

Nathan Pene has a long history in the advertising industry, with a background in both sales and marketing. His sales career started at the tender age of 9, bagging feijoas and selling them to his neighbours. In his late teens, he was a top salesperson at one of New Zealand's most iconic sports retailers, before heading off on his O.E. It wasn't long before he returned to the land of the long white cloud, after being promoted to New Zealand Manager of an Australian-based publishing company. 

In the late 90s, Nathan made the switch to radio, where he has decades of experience helping Kiwi brands get their message out over the airwaves. He also did a stint as Sales and Marketing Manager for one of New Zealand's most loved pet food brands. Throughout his career, Nathan has acquired the business acumen, people skills and industry knowledge that make him the best possible person to help take your business to the next level. He still loves a good feijoa!

Esma McHenry

About SNG Media

Esma McHenry started in the media industry at the age of 16 in reception and promotions for The Radio Networks (now called NZME).

After showing her versatility across a wide range of roles, from finance to human resources, Esma made the challenging leap into radio sales. She developed strong relationships with clients from all sectors of business, planning successful campaigns in radio, print, digital and outdoor media.

She  them up-skilled further by joining MediaWorks, adding TV sales to her already outstanding repertoire. Now with SNG as a trusted Media Specialist, Esma continues to deliver bespoke multi-platform solutions for her clients across all media companies in New Zealand.

In her spare time, Esma trades her high heels and lipstick for racing gloves, driving in smash 'em up derbys at her favourite car club! She'll bring that grit and determination to every campaign she works on.

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Victoria Johnson

About SNG Media

Victoria is a media veteran, having begun her career in advertising over 3 decades ago!

Victoria has worked with clients from a diverse range of industries. Her success is based on putting her clients’ needs first, and her ability to connect and foster productive and long-lasting relationships. It’s those traits, combined with her wealth of industry knowledge that allows Victoria to hone in on her clients’ campaign goals and assist them to generate tangible results.

When she’s not working hard for clients, Victoria loves getting out on the water fishing and she has ticked off most target species including a marlin. She also has a passion for interior design and enjoys getting stuck into a good home renovation project, so don’t be alarmed if she starts re-arranging your office furniture!

SNG Media

why choose us

  • We don't speak in industry jargon
  • We treat your advertising dollar as if it were our own
  • We have over 75 years' combined knowledge and experience in the media industry
  • We can help you connect with more people. Using the latest insights and audience research, SNG Media can bridge the gap between your business and your potential customers
  • We create long-lasting partnerships with our clients

Basically, if you can relate to any of the following questions, you need to talk to SNG Media...

Do you want to grow your business and attract more customers?
Do you want to keep your brand top-of-mind?
Are you too busy working in the business instead of on the business?
Unsure of where to spend your advertising dollar?
Don't know how to track your advertising? 
Marketing and advertising just isn't your thing?

Arrange a chat with SNG Media today and we'll talk you through your options. If we achieve your desired results, that's a win for you and a win for us!

Thinking of radio advertising? Want to advertise on Stuff online? Thought about how your brand would look advertised on a billboard?


who we work with

Discovery Purple
Go Media Billboards Bus Media
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Final Stuff Logo 2018 Rgb Transparent
Advantage Logo
Television New Zealand Logo 2016.svg
Lumo Logo Tagline Rgb Pink
Mediaworks Logo 2021


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